The schottische is a partnered country dance that apparently originated in Bohemia. (wikipedia) “Tunes from Home” is a delightful schottische that Pioneer chapter likes to perform. Here’s a video toContinue readingTunes from Home Schottische
Snow Deer
We’re working on a tune called Snow Deer this month. Snow Deer entered the old-time fiddle tune repertoire at some point after the first vaudeville version (1911) and early hillbilly/stringband recordingsContinue readingSnow Deer
Jan/Feb Newsletter
Download a copy of the State Newsletter here.
New Directory Coming Soon
The UOTF Statewide Directory is near completion and printed copies will be distributed to membersfirst at the State Social and later at jam sessions. Members can also request an e-copyContinue readingNew Directory Coming Soon
Guitar Pickin’ Workshop
Join us March 18, 2023, at the Pleasant Valley Branch Library for an Old-Time Music Workshop. This first workshop will be taught by Steven Capener of the Pioneer Chapter andContinue readingGuitar Pickin’ Workshop
2023 Spring Social
Join us for the statewide Utah Old Time Fiddlers spring social jam and potluck lunch on March 11. UOTF state organization will provide chicken. Please bring a potluck item toContinue reading2023 Spring Social
Soldier’s Joy
Our next practice tune dates back to the 1760s, and has roots in Scottish fiddling traditions. Here is Soldier’s Joy. For our mandolinists, here is a video by David Benedict.
Strutters’ Ball
Here is the next tune from our practice recordings, Shelton Brooks’ classic Strutters’ Ball.
Ragtime Annie
A number of years ago, Michael Kelly recorded examples of our core tunes. We’re making these available online to assist your practice. Here is Ragtime Annie. We’ve got a slowContinue readingRagtime Annie